Just about Anything, Mental Health

Living in The WP World, The Refuge of My Breaking Mind

Do you ever feel like WordPress is the only place we can truly express ourselves without judgement and fear as we can literally talk about anything. I love how I can write about what I am struggling with and there will be some who comment, some who like my posts, but at the end of the day we live in this secret world that many probably choose to ignore only to focus on other medians like Tik Tok, X, Facebook and others. I am not coming here for followers, although its nice when others follow my posts.

I am more interested in my freedom to say what I like and not have the world judge me. For example, I could never put on LinkedIn that I struggle with mental health at times, or about how I attempted to end my life many years ago or how I feel worthless each day and still think about ending my life in the future. I could never say on LinkedIn that I feel that although I love my job and the people there, that in the end it really doesn’t matter or how I just want to run away because I feel lost. (Can you name the reference to what I just said)

WP is my refuge , my therapy from my thoughts, but also my writing of books, short stories, blogs allows me to explore my mind to utmost degree. This is where I lay my history of who I am each day, putting my heart out here for the world or even WP world to see.

Thank you to all those who listen to my rants, that to others I probably sound like a man on the edge, a lunatic who is on the verge of losing it. I promise I will not lose it just yet, I have a lot to say in my books, blogs, Pods and VLOGS as I work to leave my history behind one day, so my family has something to listen, read and watch instead of existence disappearing in oblivion.

At this point I feel broken right now, I am doing the best I can but pray for my state of mind to be okay. I am not okay right now, but will try to push forward.

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